Friday, December 7, 2012


BOO! Did I scare you? Do you recognize me? It's been a while! A long while! The last 6 weeks in our house have been absolutely crazy! A good crazy though! I got a new job and it is working out great for us! I got a job with It is the perfect job for us right now because with the job I get to stay home and work. This is so nice for us, because we don't need babysitters now. Woohoo! That takes a ton of pressure off! Also, gas money for us is going to be cut in...well I don't know if there is a word to describe how much less gas we are going to be using. Anyway, I had 5 weeks of training and then a couple of weeks on the floor in the office and now I am working from home! So awesome! is great company to work for! I am definitely loving my job.

In the midst of my training going on, my little brother Ben came down here to Utah for American Thanksgiving. He was here for a week, it was nice to have him here. He spent time between our house and my brother Mike's house. Jason, Ben and I went to a BYU Basketball game and it was awesome! So fun! Poor Ben was sick for his whole trip so as much as he didn't say it...I don't think he was able to enjoy his trip as much as he hoped...poor guy.

Christmas is coming! Are you ready? This year I actually think I can say that I am feeling more prepared than I have since we have been married. We are done shopping for Addy, and I am done a fair amount for Jason, just a couple of things left! I don't know where Jason is at for his shopping though..haha! Not only shopping, but I have even done a little bit of baking so far this year. By far the most fun thing to make are my Mom's sugar cookies, they are the best sugar cookies around...however I do not do them justice...for some reason they are not near as good as when she makes them. Anyway, Addy had SO much fun decorating the cookies with us! She did a great job with the sprinkles!

Well, that's what's going on here, hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods! I will be trying to keep this updated on a more consistent basis again!

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