Sunday, October 21, 2012

Break please?

You know those times when you feel like its one thing...and then another...and then another...and you get to a point where you would like a break from everything? Yep--we are there for me! The last month of our life has been absolutely wild. As I said in a previous post...We moved on a Wednesday, I saw the surgeon on Thursday, had my gall bladder out Friday, was supposed to go to Canada the following Tuesday to see my family, but had to cancel that trip because I wasn't healing like I had set my mind to do...went to Vegas for a quick trip since we had so much time off from our originally planned trip...come home, and we are home for less than a week and WHAMMO! Addy starts throwing up like she has never thrown up before. It was so scary. We take her to InstaCare (which is a blog post in and of itself) and turns out she has STREP! AH! Seriously? So, they give her a antibiotic shot and send us on our way home...she was better for 4 days...then all of a sudden she starts throwing up again last night?! Luckily it wasn't near like it was the other day...but seriously...come on! I am ready for a break...So far today she is acting fairly normal so I hope that sticks! Here's to some normality in our lives!

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