Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Mommy came!

I know it was been "forever and a day" as my sweet Gramma would say, since I updated my apologies. I feel like life has been CRAZY! So, I am just going to start blogging again with what was most exciting recently! Mom Rechenmacher came for a visit! It was so much fun to have her here and to have Addy be able to have Gramma here to play with her! I am pretty sure we all loved it from beginning to end! Addy had Gramma paint her nails everyday...and Gramma did it so willingly! We went to see The Sound of Music...that was AMAZING! I just loved it, every musical I see I say "that is my favorite musical ever"...but I really do believe this one can't be outdone. So much talent! Addy and Gramma and I also went to Park City for one day, my Mom hadn't ever been there so we went and had fun there! We also got to have my niece Cami for a couple days and that was awesome! Cami and Addy adore each other, it was so cute and so fun to have her here because they don't get to see very much of each other! On one of Jason's days off we went to Bear Lake which was a blast! We swam, rented a jet ski (which was AWESOME!) and we of course had to stop for some famous shakes as well! The best part was having my Mom here for my birthday! Even though I didn't get the best birthday gift by having Addy throwing up and me with an eye was still a great day because I got to spend the day with my Mom!

Thanks so much for coming Mom! It meant so much and I had so much fun with you here and I know Addy did too! I love you!

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