Friday, March 15, 2013


Well, I haven't written a post about Addy recently.  She is such a fun-loving little girl, I think she has the most contagious laugh I have ever heard! Here are some of my favorite things about Addy lately:

*She loves to give hugs and say "I love you!"

*She loves to color, her favorite color changes by the day!

*She loves to play outside, especially go for walks on the trail behind where we live!

*She loves to help me cook.

*She loves to have her picture taken, and its pretty safe to say that she will always strike a cute little pose when the camera is out!

*She is so excited to be a big sister, and share her bathroom with the baby!hahaha

*She loves to go to nursery at church and play with the other kids

*She LOVES to swim! A girl after my own heart!

*Most of all- I love her because she has the most tender heart and just loves everyone so much!

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